
Complete Streets

The Federal Highway Administration is supporting the planning and implementation of streets and networks that prioritize safety, comfort, and connectivity to destinations for all people who use the street network. Complete Streets implementation starts with people, not transportation mode. The elements of a Complete Street vary based on community context and the role that a particular street needs to serve in the multimodal network. Not every street requires bicycle lanes or public transportation stops. Instead, creating a safe, connected, and equitable Complete Streets Network is an iterative strategy that involves:

  • Understanding the community and network
  • Identifying safety, connectivity, and equity
  • Implementing improvements over time, and
  • Evaluating impacts by monitoring and measuring success.

Learn more at

The Quiet Coalition

The Quiet Coalition provides news, commentary and advice on the science of noise and health.

Citizens for Safety and Community

Citizens for Safety and Community’s primary goal is to establish a permanent citizen advisory board to support the work of the Silver City Police Department.

The Psychology Behind Loud Cars

A recent study shows a correlation between loud cars and a tendency toward psychopathy and sadism.

A desire for a loud car with a modified muffler is predicted by being a man and higher scores on psychopathy and sadism

Health Effects of Traffic Noise and Poverty

A new study by the German Center for Cardiovascular Research (DZHK) shows that people on low incomes who are also exposed to high levels of traffic noise have a significantly increased risk of serious cardiovascular disease.